Publish to travelers
After creating your guidebook, the final step is to publish it to your travelers. In GUIBO, this is done through the release system, which creates personalized access for your travelers.
Understanding releases
A release is a traveler-specific instance of your guidebook that:
Provides access to your content for a specific time period
Contains personalized information tailored to a specific booking
Offers multiple delivery channels (app, PDF roadbook, GPX files)
Is accessed through a unique download code
Step 1: Prepare your guidebook for publishing
Navigate to your guidebook
Verify that all content is complete and accurate
Change the status from "In preparation" to "Approved"
Only guidebooks with "Approved" status can be published to travelers
This status change prevents incomplete content from reaching travelers
Step 2: Access the release dashboard
From the main navigation, go to the Release Dashboard
This is your central hub for managing all traveler-specific releases
Step 3: Create a new release
Click the orange + button to create a new release
Enter the required information:
Set download code: Unique identifier travelers will use to access their content in the app, typically matching your booking reference.
Select Guidebook: Select which approved guidebook to publish for this specific booking.
Set traveller's language: Define the language for the PDF roadbook and release page interface.
Set number of smartphone devices: Specify how many devices can use this download code (usually matches number of travelers).
Define release period: Set the timeframe during which travelers can access the content.
Define Seller (Optional): Select an agency to rebrand the travel docs to the agency's look and feel.
Save the release
Step 4: Personalize the release (optional)
If needed, you can personalize the release with booking-specific information:
Select the release on the left side.
Choose from the following options to personalize your release:
Documents Add any PDF document to the release. These are then available via the release page and via the tour guide app.
Accommodation Add specific hotels to this release. After adding the hotel you can specify arrival and departure dates.
Add content Click Actions ➔ Add content to add any POI, route or text page to this specific release.
Modify guidebook content Click Actions ➔ Modify guibdeook content to edit any content for this specific release.
Step 5: Preview and share with travelers
Click the "Traveller's page" link to preview the release page as single point of access for travelers
Share this link (e.g. via E-Mail) with your travelers to provide all travel docs with a single link
Next Steps
You now have an understanding about the most important GUIBO. Now you can:
Create more comprehensive content
Build additional guidebooks
Explore advanced features like B2B Network and API integration
Tip: Test your releases by downloading the GUIBO app and using your download code before sending to travelers. This allows you to experience exactly what your travelers will see.
Last updated