Content | Create and update Point-Of-Interests (POIs)
Hotels and other POIs can be imported into GUIBO automatically via the API. A common use case is importing hotels from a booking system with the goal of adding the hotels booked for the guest
Hotels are one kind of POIs in GUIBO. They can be created manually in GUIBO, also with the help of Google search and automatic import of data from Google.
1) Create POI
Prerequisite: You have created a library into which the hotels are to be imported. You have given the library a unique ID. In the following example it is the ID "HOTELS".
Replace CCCCCC with the customer ID, you can find this under Account Settings > General Settings > Account ID
Replace xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx with the API key, you can find this under Account Settings > General Settings > API Key
HTL21344 is an exemplaric external ID of this hotel. With this ID it is easier to update the hotel via the interface.