
Managing Guidebooks in Multiple Languages in GUIBO

GUIBO offers a flexible way to set languages both at the account level and for individual Guidebooks. This allows you to enhance the user experience for travelers in different languages.

1. Defining Languages at the Account Level

In the account settings, you can specify which languages should be available globally for all Guidebooks. These languages will then be available in every Guidebook created within your account.


  • Account Languages: English (en), German (de), French (fr)

  • These languages will apply to all Guidebooks in your account.

2. Adding Languages at the Guidebook Level

In addition to the global account languages, you can also add specific languages to individual Guidebooks. These languages will only apply to the Guidebook in which they are added.


  • Account Languages: English (en), German (de), French (fr)

  • Guidebook-Specific Language: Spanish (es)

  • For this particular Guidebook, the available languages will now be English, German, French, and Spanish.


  • Account languages apply to all Guidebooks.

  • Guidebook languages only apply to the specific Guidebook they are added to and extend the account languages.

This flexibility allows you to tailor your content for different markets or audiences.

Last updated